Why do I need a Capsurz®?

To combat that surprise gust of wind. You’re a hat wearer walking down the street or enjoying outdoor activities such as motorcycling, boating, fishing, sailing, hiking, paddling, jet skiing, snow skiing, horseback riding, convertible driving,…etc. Capsurz® adds a cord to your hat for you to have the *hands free* security of knowing your hat will [...]

By |2018-03-07T18:36:54-06:00October 1st, 2015||Comments Off on Why do I need a Capsurz®?

How strong of a wind can Capsurz® withstand?

The variables of wind and speed impact how tight you wear your Capsurz®. A proud motorcyclist let us know he rode at 110 mph and Capsurz® kept his hat on! We recommend you keep Capsurz® as snug as you need – personal preference – depending on the activity, wind, and speed you are experiencing. Be [...]

By |2018-03-07T18:36:54-06:00October 1st, 2015||0 Comments

Why am I safer wearing a Capsurz®?

Whether hat-wearing outdoor enthusiasts are walking, hiking, horseback riding, driving cars, boats, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, jet skis, sailing, skiing or paddling each activity becomes dangerous when your natural instinct takes over and you automatically overreach to grab after your windblown hat. Capsurz® prevents that surprise knee-jerk reaction by securely keeping your hat on your head. Be confident.

By |2015-10-01T15:42:04-05:00October 1st, 2015||0 Comments


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