To combat that surprise gust of wind. You’re a hat wearer walking down the street or enjoying outdoor activities such as motorcycling, boating, fishing, sailing, hiking, paddling, jet skiing, snow skiing, horseback riding, convertible driving,…etc. Capsurz® adds a cord to your hat for you to have the *hands free* security of knowing your hat will stay on your head.
Keep your hat on your head hands free with Capsurz

If you don’t have a Capsurz® and the wind hijacks your hat:

  • You’ll be without the sun protection of a hat and without the eye protection of a hat brim. Hello blisters, headaches, and eye strain.
  • You’ll either be too embarrassed to chase after it and therefore lose it. Or you might be very embarrassed by actually chasing after it. Or you might not even have the option of chasing after it…your hat blows irretrievably away. Think Grand Canyon. Or Niagara Falls. Or down any interstate or river, parking lot or beach, roller coaster or…you get it.
  • You’ll lose your favorite hat, your lucky hat, or the hat you just can’t replace. Heck, if you don’t use a Capsurz® you might never even wear that favorite hat, lucky hat or irreplaceable hat because you’re too afraid of the wind snatching it from you. And do you really want to dish out more money to (try to) buy the same hat again?